There are 5 types of flats in projects.
50% of Flat price has to be pay as Down Payment and Rest %50 can be paied with in 20 monthly instalmets without any interest or addtional fee.
Title Deed Process:
Title Deed ( Tapu) is trasferred in 2 days.
Additional Fees for Title Deed are below:
%4 Title Deed Tax
%1 VAT
App. 1.000$ Utilities
Flat Prices:
1+1 50 m2 80.000 $
1+1 69 m2 100.000$-135.000$
2+1 98 m2 110.000$- 140.000$
2+1 111 m2 130.000$- 175.000$
3+1 142 m2 180.000$-260.000$